Become a member

We look forward to your support

If you also think that animal exploitation no longer has a place in society, and if you agree to our principles, you are very welcome to participate in one of our actions. You can contact us via E-Mail, contact form or on Facebook and we’ll gladly inform you about a few details concerning our actions.

If you would like to support us financially, we look forward to receiving a donation to the specified bank account or via TWINT.

Would you like to be there in the long term and shape the future of the association with us at the annual general assembly? Join the Circle of Compassion by completing the membership form below. Please do not forget to read our statutes (in German) beforehand.

So see you soon, we look forward to you.

Our association is tax-exempt: donations can be deducted from taxes.

Account details

Account owner: Circle of Compassion, 8048 Zürich
Account number.: 15-330847-3
IBAN: CH15 0900 0000 1533 0847 3


Become a member

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