Our principles
we stand for these valuesIntersectionality
Our work is focused on the rights of non-human animals, but our compassion doesn’t end there. Speciesism, meaning the discrimination based on species, is only one of many forms of discrimination. These forms of discrimination are often interrelated and, in our opinion, can only be abolished by rejecting them as a whole. Following the slogan “one struggle, one fight, human freedom, animal rights!” we reject any form of discrimination. This position is valuable to us, and therefore we don’t tolerate any behavior that is discriminating, molesting or disrespectful in any other way. Anyone who agrees to this position is welcome as an activist.
Right of participation
The founders of this project don’t see themselves as leaders with veto power, but rather as organizers who guide and moderate the group and the events. This happens as democratically as possible and practically implementable. All participants have the possibility to get involved and improve the effectiveness of our activism with critique and ideas for improvement. With an increased right of participation we also expect more responsibility from every activist at the same time.
A positive, clear message
Our events are peaceful actions. We only have conversations with people who are interested in the footage and the topic, we stay respectful and don’t beset anyone. At the same time we send out a clear vegan message: The exploitation of both human and nonhuman animals is to be rejected. Always. We also want to emphasize that we don’t see meat eaters or the workers within the animal industry as antagonists, but also as victims of the consisting, exploitative system. We don’t want to fight humans but change the system itself.
We do activism from person to person – everyone is different and unique and brings their own experiences, skills, talents and resources. This is why we intentionally forego uniform clothing at our actions. For us, it’s always a human being behind the screen, or in front of other people – we want to signal this diversity and individuality with this choice, as well as our principle that our empathy and interest is not limited to nonhuman animals even if we primarily campaign for them.